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Evolve Together



Evolve Together is a movement of empowerment and shared growth, harnessing the collective wisdom of businesses to craft a book brimming with life-enhancing advice and insights. We offer a unique opportunity for companies to both share their expertise and promote their business, while contributing to a noble cause by supporting charities.


Born in the aftermath of adversity, the vision for Evolve Together is grounded upon the pressing need for community support. Over seven months, the seed of an idea germinated into a mission to harness collective wisdom for the greater good. I was propelled by a profound desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, sparked by personal tragedies that highlighted the fragility of life. After witnessing friends and family lose the battle with cancer, and struggle with mental health issues, I was determined to turn grief into a force for good.


The concept of Evolve Together is simple: we invite businesses to contribute their insights to a collaborative book of life and business tips, building hope while sharing advice. Each tip contributes to a universal book of communal knowledge, with the dual aim of elevating businesses and nurturing well-being. Asking for a modest contribution ensures the project transforms every page into a pathway for raising funds for charities while spotlighting the invaluable work of community organizations. Beyond creating a book, this endeavor is about sparking a movement that champions kindness, caring, hope, and transformative change.


I believe that collective action can forge a brighter future. This initiative seeks to empower and inspire, urging participants to view their contributions as part of a larger story of societal improvement. I urge businesses to join us by offering them a platform to promote their business, and also share their wisdom while contributing to a great cause and increasing their profit.


I have spent the last 8 months writing this book in my free time. I then wanted to come up with a way that it can help businesses too, by raising awareness of their business to help promote them, in a unique way that would stay in peoples homes rather than being disposed of like normal magazines or adverts.


The charitable things this book will do are:

  • Freely promote and help charities;

  • Raise money for charities;

  • Give schools and charities the book, for free, to try to help them with the useful advice and tips in the book.


If you want a little help getting your business promoted, then here are a few good reasons to do this:

• Unlike advertising in magazines etc. your business will be permanently in the book which people will keep far longer;

• The book will reach a wide audience, as it is going to be available free to schools, charities and other not for profit organisations, plus it will be sold on Amazon and elsewhere;

• You will receive a free pdf copy of the book offering tones of great business advice amongst other things;

• It offers a wide range of great tips and advice on how to make positive changes in both life and business. It will be filled with practical advice on everything from energy-boosting and wellbeing, to gardening tips and business advice;

• Unlike some advertising companies or magazines, we give half the profits from all book sales to charity;

• It promotes charitable organisations and community groups free of charge.


Option 1 


  • Your business contact details

  • Your type of business

  • 3 business or life tips, which will be informative and useful, and also allow you to showcase your knowledge as a business

  • £95 to be in all books purchased in the first year 

  • No ongoing commitment


Option 2 


  • Your business contact details

  • Your type of business

  • A short paragraph about your business

  • Prime position in its section

  • 3 to 6 business or life tips, or an advice article, which will be informative and useful, and also allow you to showcase your knowledge as a business

  •  £150 to be in all books purchased in the first year

  • No ongoing commitment


Option 3


  • Your business contact details

  • Your type of business

  • Up to half a page about your business

  • Prime position in its section

  • Up to half a page of life tips or business, or an advice article, which will be informative and useful, and also allow you to showcase your knowledge as a business

  •  £250 to be in all books purchased in the first year

  • No ongoing commitment


To choose this option please just contact us so we can personalise your dedicated page.


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